
Deliver anywhere in Australia with HereUGO. HereUGO provides flexibility and full control over the times you want to work and how much you charge. Set the distance you’re willing to travel, when you’re available, and your prices, and change your settings at any time.

If there are no stores nearby using HereUGO for orders, let them know you’re delivering with HereUGO and recommend they jump onboard, or you can promote our Pickup & Deliver service in your area.

Delivery is offered to a customer if the store they’re ordering from has in-house delivery, or one or more drivers are within range and available. The available delivery times are displayed during checkout, and the price is calculated for each available driver.

In-house delivery is given preference where available, falling back to our independent drivers if the delivery is out of range or the in-house drivers are busy.

Getting Started

Sign up in HereUGO, then submit the Drivers Wanted! form, available from the menu. This creates your driver account, and gives you access to Driver Dashboard, which contains the orders page and your driver settings.

When you’re ready to start delivering, contact us to activate your driver account. Then make sure you visit your Driver Dashboard at least once every 7 days to keep your account active.


You are in full control of your settings, and any changes you make update immediately, but keep in mind that customers can order up to a week in advance so try to plan at least a week ahead.

Stores offering in-house delivery have the same settings as drivers.


You are in full control of your charges for your delivery services. You can set a flat fee per pickup, a price per km, and have different fees for different distances. This provides considerable flexibility.

You might decide to:

  • Only charge pickup fees, allowing you to determine a set price for delivery to specific places or distances.
  • Set the per/km fee to $0 for deliveries under 3km, so nearby deliveries are only charged the pickup fee.
  • Charge a higher per/km fee for deliveries over 25km to reflect the additional time and cost.

You can change your fees at any time, so feel free to experiment and make adjustments along the way.


The Max distance is the distance you’re willing to travel from your chosen address

You can allow cash on delivery, or require payment to be made in HereUGO before delivery.

Make sure notifications are on or you may miss deliveries. Set the notification sound for HereUGO to something loud and unique so you don’t miss it.

Add the days and hours you want to work.

Off Duty

Go off duty if you’re temporarily unavailable, or you need to finish early, but you don’t want to change your regular hours.

You can go off duty at any time, but while you’re off duty you won’t be considered for any orders – even pre-orders, so remember to go back on duty when your shift ends.


HereUGO uses Stripe to manage payments. To accept payment for deliveries, connect with Stripe from driver settings. For each delivery you make, your payment is immediately transferred to your Stripe account, where it will be automatically transferred to your bank account.

You can visit your Stripe dashboard from driver settings, where you can access a itemized record of all your payments.